Did you ever want to, or have, the experience of tasting exotic chips?!
If yes, you'll be delighted to hear that GFP is now selling the #1 exotic chips out there, Terra Chips! Fresh, exciting, and different, Terra Chips come in a variety of many innovative flavors, each being a fantastic and healthy snack. As a 100% natural, no trans-fat snack, these will fast become you're most favorite chip.
Sweet Potato - Sweet potato, a root vegetable often called a yam, is not really a yam at all, but rather a distinct variety of the Ipomea Batata family. Cultivated for thousands of years in the Western Hemisphere, sweet potatoes have become an important part of traditional American cuisine.
Sweet Potato - Sweet potato, a root vegetable often called a yam, is not really a yam at all, but rather a distinct variety of the Ipomea Batata family. Cultivated for thousands of years in the Western Hemisphere, sweet potatoes have become an important part of traditional American cuisine.